Re: [LAU] ams-lv2 1.0.2 and a tutorial

From: Atte <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 10 2014 - 13:32:00 EET

On 02/09/2014 08:37 PM, Paul Davis wrote:

> VST, like most plugin APIs, only really knows about audio and MIDI. AMS
> does not fit into that paradigm, in the same way that no self-respecting
> hardware modular synthesizer lets you patch MIDI from module. They may
> support MIDI I/O, but the main data that flows around between modules is
> control voltage.


So it's not possible to wrap AMS (with it's self contained modules and
functionality intact) in VSTi? I'd be surprised, but I never coded a
VSTi, so how am I?

I just find it really hard to believe, since AMS on my box is a
self-contained piece of software that connects with the outside world
through a gui (like VSTi), midi I/O (like VSTi) and audio (like VSTi).
But unfortunately that doesn't seem to be possible...

It seems we are talking about two things: I'm talking about the "whole
of AMS, canvas + buildin modules, but nothing else", it seems to me
you're talking about "individual modules as VSTi and then try to connect
them in my host". Or?

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Received on Mon Feb 10 16:15:02 2014

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