Re: [LAU] simple LADSPA stereo panner ?

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Feb 15 2014 - 15:46:01 EET

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 02:13:54PM +0100, raf wrote:

> i face a terribly simple problem : i can't find any stereo panner ladspa plugin !
> by stereo i mean : 2 audio channels inputs, pan control, 2 audio channel outputs
> can someone confirm there is not any or am i missing something ?

One reason may be that such a thing is not really well defined.
How do you want it to work ?

* L and R inputs panned separately (A2 style),
* Interacting width and pan controls (A3 style),
* As a 'balance' control,
* Other ?


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Received on Sat Feb 15 16:15:02 2014

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