Re: [LAU] Common Music - Importing audio files, and pointers to learning material?

From: Angel de Vicente <angelv@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 21 2014 - 23:30:45 EET


anders.vinjar@email-addr-hidden writes:

> A> Before I go to the effort of starting to learn it, I wanted to
> A> know if it is possible to somehow import audio files with it...
> Hi Angel. This should be rather straightforward w. CM3/Grace.
> When starting Grace (CM3's front-end), you get access to piles of
> examples for working with soundfiles, processing or synthesis. Try
> looking in the menu "Audio"->"Instrument Browser" (or hit Ctrl-i), and
> load something which looks close.

I've almost given up (for the moment) on CM, as SuperCollider was so
easy for this. In any case, I would like to try CM later on, but what I
gather from your mail is that I cannot easily import my own audio clips
(and instead you are suggesting to look for stuff that looks similar to
what I intended to import)? Am I correct? Then, I guess CM is still not
suited to what I wanted to do, becuase the audio clips that I want to
import are parts of songs, voices that I have recorded, etc. I guess
that there has to be some way of impoting new audio clips, but for the
time being I think I will try with SC.


Ãngel de Vicente          
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