Re: [LAU] Common Music - Importing audio files, and pointers to learning material?

From: <anders.vinjar@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Feb 22 2014 - 13:05:41 EET

>>>>> "A" == Angel de Vicente <angelv@email-addr-hidden> writes:
    A> I've almost given up (for the moment) on CM, as SuperCollider was
    A> so easy for this. In any case, I would like to try CM later on,
    A> but what I gather from your mail is that I cannot easily import
    A> my own audio clips (and instead you are suggesting to look for
    A> stuff that looks similar to what I intended to import)? Am I
    A> correct?

Not so. There are examples distributed with CM/Grace doing what you
seem to be asking for.


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Received on Sat Feb 22 16:15:01 2014

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