Thank you all,
now I get enough information - I will order some simple usb soundcard/DAC
and will approach to tune up the system using LAU wiki, thanks for the
links and ideas!
Will inform about some progress once I will get the card etc.
Thank you!
2014-02-24 12:06 GMT+01:00 Simon Wise <simonzwise@email-addr-hidden>:
> On 24/02/14 19:19, Milan Lazecky wrote:
>> Thank you Simon for positive reaction,
>> I start to look forward to prepare such synthesizer, will think about HDMI
>> audio, but at this moment I will be just happy with RPi stereo line-out.
>> Kind regards
> You might not be so happy with the built in line out, it is a very basic
> output with very low quality audio. The hardware design is quite heavily
> focussed on playing media (preferably directly, on an otherwise headless
> system) through the HDMI output, and I've found the supplied libraries and
> code for doing this quite workable. The xbmc lot did a fair bit of work on
> this, and as a small device to attach to a projector they are great.
> I've also used some small usb audio cards with good results, but did not
> need low latency or other usb stuff so I can't say how they'd go with your
> project.
> Here is a link to one we used ...
> Card-DAC-3-5mm-analog-digital-output-volume-funct-/120940457164
> but I think we got them a bit cheaper than that, and used a little amp
> about that size also ... for a bunch of sound sources. There are lots of
> little cards based on that chip, they probably all work well.
> Simon
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 24 16:15:04 2014
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