Re: [LAU] re Zoom R16

From: Atte <atte@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 27 2014 - 09:29:25 EET

On 02/24/2014 10:50 PM, sub_acoustic wrote:
> Thanks Atte,
> Does that mean that I could download the latest UbuntuStudio distro,
> including kernel then apply the zoom_quirks.txt, compile the kernel, install
> it and reboot
> into it...?

Yeah, just make sure you have the kernel source, not sure if this is
provided with unbuntustudio.

> sounds tricky...perhaps the Ubuntu Studio developers would be so kind as to
> add the quirk to the next distro...

I think it should be included in the main linux kernel. Did anyone
contact clemens@email-addr-hidden to ask for zoom r16/r24 to be added to
quirks-table.h (just downloaded kernel 3.13.5 and AFAICT the zoom quirks
are not in there)?

> why are manufacturers so hesitant to support linux?, or at least share
> information with Linux developers? they would sell so many more units...

It's annoying, but I think it all boils down to the relatively small
number of linux users...

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Received on Fri Feb 28 00:15:18 2014

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