On Fri, 2014-03-28 at 09:09 +0100, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Fri, 2014-03-28 at 08:17 +0100, Atte wrote:
> > Are there any drawbacks, issues or considerations vs 32bits?
> There are not really drawbacks, there are just a few exceptions 32-bit
> is needed for, but as you can see, there at least is one
> exception/drawback for 32-bit architecture, you can't run Bitwig.
PS: I forgot to mention multi-arch ;). A 32-bit chroot always was
possible, but nowadays many distros provide multi-arch, IOW 32-bit
architecture for 64-bit installs.
PPS: On Wed, 2014-03-26 at 15:58 -0300, Bruno Gola wrote:
> running it on archlinux (after extracting the .deb with deb2targz)
Thanks for the "deb2targz" hint.
JFTR it's provided by the AUR,
I build deb2targz yesterday, but I'm not sure, if I want to spend time
to test Bitwig.
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Received on Sat Mar 29 00:15:01 2014
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