On 04/15/2014 04:01 PM, rosea grammostola wrote:
> Hi,
> Playing with Radium a bit, so far so good. But how do you Tracker-guys
> add chords to your music?
Well, we just put a single note on a track, and another note on another
track, and bam, chord :)
I must say, I'm really impressed by Radium
<http://users.notam02.no/%7Ekjetism/radium/index.php>. The Pd
integration is almost seamless and very powerful, and the interface is
quite snappy.
BTW, there is an issue <https://github.com/kmatheussen/radium/issues/81>
with the main windowpane
resizing aggressively (ie beyond the boundaries of the "maximized"
viewport) on "small" (1280 x 1024 minus vertical dock here) so I was
thinking maybe somebody here would have an idea about how to manage such
a setup :
| pattern | mixer / inst | <= Both W & H variable
| editor | matrix |
| | |
| | |
| instrument parameters | <= Variable W only
| status bar |
------------------------------------- <= Fixed W & H
So that whatever frantic things happen in those various panes, the main
window *never* resizes..?
-- Philippe Coatmeur +212 (0)6 10 64 73 72 +212 (0)5 37 78 55 46 * http://opensimo.org/adamweb/ * https://github.com/xaccrocheur * http://opensimo.org/play
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Received on Wed Apr 16 08:15:01 2014
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