linux-audio-user By Subject
- [LAU] 10 artists who used tech to make better music
- [LAU] 96 kHz -- a bottleneck somewhere
- [LAU] [ANN] Qtractor 0.6.1 & Vee One Suite 0.4.2 - A pre-LAC beta release frenzy!
- [LAU] [ANN] Vee One Suite 0.4.1 - A proto-beta bis release!
- [LAU] [Jack+Debian RT] Cannot create RT messagebuffer thread: Operation not permitted
- [LAU] [LAA] AlsaModularSynth (ams) 2.1.1 released
- [LAU] [LAA] Guitarix 0.29.0 released
- [LAU] [LAA]DrumGizmo 0.9.5 released [LAC2014 release]
- [LAU] [LAD] LAC'14 program announcement
- [LAU] [off-list] Bitwig: what we can learn from it
- [LAU] A "silence signal"?
- [LAU] a little remix
- [LAU] A port of Obxd to Linux
- [LAU] A spectral delay VST plug-in for Linux
- [LAU] a very few audio personal packages for ubuntu 'trusty'
- [LAU] Added MicroLabel to my website
- [LAU] Advice needed: hardware vendors
- [LAU] Album recording layout...
- [LAU] AlsaModularSynth (ams) 2.1.1 released
- [LAU] ams-lv2 ingen patches
- [LAU] Announcing Nama release v1.113 - "Claassen's Crucible"
- [LAU] Anyone has any experience using Presonus 1818VSL Audiobox?
- [LAU] Anyone used a Firewire-to-USB3 or ESATA adapter?
- [LAU] Audio measurement at LAC 2014
- [LAU] Aussie Rock - (was OT)
- [LAU] Bitwig: what we can learn from it
- [LAU] Bitwig: what we can learn from it (slightly O/T)
- [LAU] chord in trackers
- [LAU] Concerning schedtool
- [LAU] Filter arrangement - was- Bitwig: what we can learn from it
- [LAU] Firewire at last
- [LAU] Firewire to USB adapter?
- [LAU] Fwd: Music made in Linux - A song from an hobbyst
- [LAU] Happy birthday Fons :) - Was: Filter arrangement - was- Bitwig: what we can learn from it
- [LAU] hardware - Intel CPUs
- [LAU] How far is Ardour3 with MIDI? (Bitwig: what we can learn from it)
- [LAU] HW upgrade - new computer
- [LAU] In search of a Linux Drum synth plugin
- [LAU] Interview about theater music produced with Ardour3
- [LAU] is Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 supported in Linux?
- [LAU] JACK on PicUntu devices (mini-pcs)
- [LAU] jack2 vs. jack1/zita vs. jack2+zita-a2j, performance differences
- [LAU] LAC - Programme
- [LAU] LAC'14 program announcement
- [LAU] Linux based recording studios around the world
- [LAU] Linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 86, Issue 12
- [LAU] List of good linux plugins (was Bitwig: what we can learn from it)
- [LAU] lm3jo , DNA format
- [LAU] M-Audio Fast Track Pro: unreliable, distorted recording
- [LAU] M-Audio MTRACK
- [LAU] Mackie Control "Universal" vs. "Pro"
- [LAU] Marking soundcard outputs as "default"
- [LAU] Microlabel : You made music, now what?
- [LAU] MIDI hardware with Linux
- [LAU] MIDI over firewire on Linux?
- [LAU] Music album released as Linux kernel module
- [LAU] Music Editors for Blind Users?
- [LAU] music from image metadata
- [LAU] Music made in Linux - A song from an hobbyst
- [LAU] Musician who uses sooperlooper
- [LAU] New music made with Linux: The "Lost Time" EP
- [LAU] New song made in Linux, A Boring Job
- [LAU] OT
- [LAU] OT: Karlsruhe
- [LAU] OT: Windows experience..
- [LAU] OT? Downloaded youtube videos with subtitles
- [LAU] paustretch jack routing, audiofile bug, and truncated outfile
- [LAU] and 24bit files?
- [LAU] philip glass music on linux box
- [LAU] PulseAudio on top of Jack
- [LAU] Raspberry PI as a FX pedalboard and looper
- [LAU] regarding "quick & efficient"
- [LAU] REX2 format support on Linux
- [LAU] Super performance incl. low latency with zita-a2j
- [LAU] The first beta of Carla Plugin Host 2.0 is here!
- [LAU] The Infinite Repeat - Cala Del Aceite
- [LAU] Two songs made in Qtractor : Takkadum & Kleb Station
- [LAU] wav composer not toilet non-release
- [LAU] Wav loop points
- [LAU] Wearable musical gloves
- [LAU] What I learned from Bitwig
- [LAU] Zzounds; nine questions to ask before buying an audio interface
- Bitwig: what we can learn from it
- Concerning schedtool
- OT
- Last message date: Wed Apr 30 2014 - 16:15:02 EEST
- Archived on: Wed Apr 30 2014 - 16:15:02 EEST