On Wed, 2014-04-02 at 08:47 -0400, Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings,
> Reading an interview with Philippe Leroux in the Computer Music Journal,
> when asked about spending 20 months on a 20-minute piece he replied :
> "I try to spend as much time as I can with each piece before letting it
> go into the world, so to speak. That allows me to re-read, to correct,
> to refine the details, to add little things that enrich the musical
> discourse in a manner that allows for as many levels of perception of
> the work as possible during the process of composing. I like to have a
> profound understanding of the piece; it is a daily two-way communication
> that I sustain with it. That allows me to get to compositional levels
> that are just not possible when you compose something fast. Then again,
> having said that, in the real world, some works are written a lot faster
> than that."
In the end it's emotional ambivalence that does the fine tuning ;).
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Received on Wed Apr 2 16:15:06 2014
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