This is really a pity, because otherwise OpenShot is a great editor.
In light of my increasing video editing, I am sorry to say that I am
beginning to contemplate switching to Windows for video. I spent the whole
day today exploring video editing tools for Linux and it was a total
1. Tried promising *Lightworks*. However, it doesn't have an ability to
synchronize audio to video on sub-frame level which makes lack of this one
little feature a show stopper for me - I record audio separately from video
and I need very precise sync later on. OpenShot does it easily and I always
am able to sync precisely (video camera does record audio as well and I am
able to perfectly sync audio and then mute camera audio track).
2. Tried promising *Blender Video Editor*. Unfortunately, it does not
support many video formats, at least on my machine and - most importantly -
it could not read or render the files that my camera shoots (normal mp4
files). Internet search revealed alleged problems working with mp4. Video
software that has problems with mp4... I just cannot rely on it and besides
I could find no solution whatsoever.
3. Tried *kdenlive*, hoping maybe it fixed its problems. What do you know -
it crashes on my Xubuntu 12.04 when I click "Add clip". So much for
kdenlive - even the stock Ubuntu version does not work, simply incredible.
4. *OpenShot* works and I probably will have to use it for quick edits,
hoping it does not start randomly crashing. I did contact the developers,
but there have been numerous reports and I just don't think this is fixable
by one solution. I also am not sure I will receive a reply.
5. Tried *Avidemux* and some other video editor from the repos - both could
not even open an mp4 file properly.
And then when I saw on some site a blogger write that "Linux is the best
platform for high end video editing", I was just astonished at the insolence
of the claim. I mean, such nerve...
Anyway, I am quite disappointed, as I am not looking forward to having a
dual boot or using an old laptop just for video editing and equally not
looking forward to fighting random OpenShot crashes. Linux definitely lacks
in terms of simple basic video editing, meaning that you are lucky if some
video software happens to work on your machine. Don't loose that luck -
don't upgrade, just stick to it if it works - you never know what bug an
upgrade will bring, a bug that might stay in there for years.
Happy hacking!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Jul 2 00:15:09 2014
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