On 07/01/2014 06:11 PM, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Hello,
> An Alesis Control PAd is connected to Hydrogen. Channel 10.b It
> works although quite often when hitting a same pad, the Hydrogen
> instrument would not sound but instead some kind of a click is heard.
> Makes this with any Hydrogen instrument. When I connect an Axion 25 to
> Hydrogen and use the rubber pads, the Hydrogen sounds are always heard,
> no matter how fast a hit is repeated.
> Has anyone seen that kind of behaviour before and is there something
> to do ? I tried varying the Control Pad sensivity/velocity
> curve/threshold but still, the Hydrogen instument is oftentimes
> replaced by a click.
> Thanks !
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If it only happens on one controller, and never on the other, a good
place to look is the actual MIDI messages being sent to Hydrogen, what
if you connect the hardware controllers to QMidiRoute - what do the
messages look like?
also what happens on a different drum synth? Fabla, drumkv1?
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Received on Wed Jul 2 04:15:04 2014
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