Re: [LAU] Sequencer suggestions?

From: Harry van Haaren <harryhaaren@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Aug 27 2014 - 01:30:31 EEST

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Philipp Überbacher <> wrote:
> and briefly luppp but could not make heads or tails of it yet.
Luppp does not (at time of writing) support MIDI. There is ongoing
development in
this area too, but note this is not yet available or stable for testing.

> the, as far as I remember, wonderful wavetable synth crashes the hosts.
Full disclosure, last I checked, the wavetable synth had to be compiled with
--build-experimental-plugins or similar flag. If those are built into distro
packages, its not the Calf devs fault..

> There seems to be a fork of the calf instruments and plugins by falktx
> but the wavetable synth and the GUIs seem to be missing.
Re wavetable synth missing: good. Re GUI's, I don't know.

> My goal at the moment is to create a single, simple and probably quite
> horrible song electronic music song. That's why I'm looking for a nice
> sequencer and some instruments.
I will advise QTractor, and some LV2 instruents. I use Fabla for drum beats,
Sorcer for some dirty basslines, LMMS (exported to audio) for some strange
things, ZynAddSubFX for pads / bells / general, and various LinuxSampler /
QSynth patches for the rest. Its quite a toolset to get to grips with,
but it does work.

QTractor has good support for automation (although its a little
"hidden" in the UI at first,
its actually fine to work with once its learned how-to :)

HTH, -Harry
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Aug 27 04:15:02 2014

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