> On Sep 12, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Joe Hartley <jh@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2014 15:26:45 -0400
> Brett McCoy <idragosani@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> I use AATranslater to move sessions between different DAWs, but it only
>> support Ardour2/Mixbus for import/export and Ardour3 for import only, as
>> far as open source session formats go. Easiest thing to do is to export all
>> stems (Ardour3 does this quite easily) and then just import those back into
>> another DAW as a group. Most will automatically align the tracks to session
>> start or to playhead/edit point.
> Came here to say exactly this. Trying to get stems from some people has
> been like pulling teeth for me; others bring sessions to me with no access
> to the original DAW, usually naively assuming that I have every DAW ever made
> available to me. AATrasnslator's been a big win for these cases.
> When I'm done with a session, the client gets both effected and uneffected
> stems along with the final mixes. Everybody's always been happy with that.
Hmm, $60us by the looks? Not too much money by any means if it works reliably.
Just curious if any devs are into writing something simple? I can provide testing assistance only. Just sounds like a cool and relative thing to have in the open source world.
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Received on Sat Sep 13 00:15:02 2014
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