2014-12-12 0:53 GMT+01:00 Will Godfrey <willgodfrey@email-addr-hidden>:
> This is an unedited improv where I was trying out a couple of my latest
> voice
> patches. I used two keyboards one set to transmit on MIDI channel 1
> and the other on channel 2. The pads (LH) are 'Ghost Ensemble' and the lead
> (RH) is 'Angel Harp'.
> Some of the pauses are intentional others are "Heck! Where do I go now." :)
> http://www.kara-moon.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7471.0;attach=6573
> --
> Will J Godfrey
> http://www.musically.me.uk
> Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
> Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
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Nice and dreamy, Will. It could be an OSB for a fairy tale fantasy.
Thanks for sharing.
-- C. sanchiavedraZ: * NEW / NUEVO: www.sanchiavedraZ.com * Musix GNU+Linux: www.musix.es
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Dec 15 20:15:02 2014
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