Re: [LAU] OpenMusic 6.9 - new build for Ubuntu (.deb) and Fedora (.rpm)

From: <anders.vinjar@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 05 2015 - 19:50:24 EET

    D> Note that the multiarch business is a work in progress so that
    D> portmidi0:i386 installation knocks out the 64-bit libportmidi0...

    a> Thats really stupid. You'd better address this issue to the folks
    a> maintaining these packages.

Just checked for a jackd1:i386 package as well, but it doesn't seem to
be one for Ubuntu (14.04.1) in the standard repos :-/

jackd can be any bitsize it wants, OM doesn't care as long as it can
connect to a running server or get one booted. But the .deb will
complain if it can't find a candidate. I'll check if there's a way
around this and upload a new .deb.

Perhaps some ubuntu-savvy here knows - how to have a DEBIAN/control
which disregards what architecture the jackd2 package is for?


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Received on Thu Feb 5 20:15:02 2015

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