On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 21:01:08 +0200, Hendrik wrote:
>On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 08:12:08PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> Did you try aj-snapshot from AUR 3?
>> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/aj-snapshot/
>No, I didn't try it. Seems also a nice tool, but it looks like it can
>only save and restore connections, not the presets used in the synths.
That's correct. My approach is to write scripts that restore
Usually it's that simple, that just launching an app followed
by a path to the settings is needed.
You could also manage desktops with such a script, after launching an
app e.g. move the window to a workspace
wmctrl -r"JACK Audio Connection Kit" -t1
>When I save the session in qjackctl and restore it, all the sound
>presets are loaded as expected. (But the MIDI ports are mixed up ...)
In what way are the MIDI ports mixed up?
I'm not using a session manager. Using scripts there's only one issue.
There's no way to give identical sound cards individual MIDI names.
$ amidi -l
Dir Device Name
IO hw:0,0 HDSPMx579bcc MIDI 1
IO hw:1,0 TerraTec EWX24/96 MIDI
IO hw:2,0 TerraTec EWX24/96 MIDI
IO hw:3,0,0 nanoKONTROL MIDI 1
IO hw:4,0,0 USB Device 0x170b:0x11 MIDI 1
Neither QjackCtl, nor aj-snapshot is able to distinguish the TerraTec
Is this the issue you experience? If so, then AFAIK there's nothing you
can do.
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