On Sat, 21 Nov 2015 08:52:55 +0100 (CET), F. Silvain wrote:
>If you're piano has USB, you can connect it and no disadvantage as
>such. I've connected a couple of my synthesizers via direct USB and
>others via MIDI. Can't say I notice a different in perofrmance. One
>advantage of USB over 5pin MIDI is, that every computer, that has
>ports for connection, will have a USB port, whilst a MIDI port is
>something special found on medium to better sound cards or of course
>in a USB to MIDI adapter cable. ...
USB MIDI has got the risk to cause noticeable MIDI jitter.
Does USB MIDI provide galvanic isolation? Several times I read claims
that USB MIDI connections aren't galvanically isolated.
Standard MIDI connectors make usage of opto-couplers and shield of the
MIDI DIN connectors is open.
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