linux-audio-user By Subject
- [LAU] "Cannot open lsp client" ??
- [LAU] [CyberSoul] - pinGnu
- [LAU] [LAA] Guitarix 0.34.0 release
- [LAU] [OT-ish]: uploading / moving to
- [LAU] [OT] Sebkha on tour: looking for a place to sleep between Nürnberg and Praha
- [LAU] A tune from me on extreme slow cook.
- [LAU] Alligning audio without graphics (for phase inversion cancellation)
- [LAU] ANN: competitive research assistantship available at Virginia Tech/ICAT/DISIS
- [LAU] ANN: Contemplative Practices for the 21st Century University -- call for submissions
- [LAU] Ardour4 and named jack?
- [LAU] Ardroid
- [LAU] Audio seeping into another track
- [LAU] Behringer fx2000/fcb1010
- [LAU] Carla (Was: The Quiet Moon)
- [LAU] Changing default Jack output ports to be an application's ports
- [LAU] Extensive Music Production Tutorials
- [LAU] Faust Online Course
- [LAU] forgot Bristol url
- [LAU] Heroine, written with musescore
- [LAU] Heroine, written with musescore.
- [LAU] Hint for people with no HDMI sound.
- [LAU] How to have audio w/o jackd ?
- [LAU] irqbalance
- [LAU] Is there a newer, better "Jack Rack"?
- [LAU] Isolating/dedicating Interrupts
- [LAU] Isolating/dedicating Interrupts (was: irqbalance)?
- [LAU] jackd without MIDI
- [LAU] KXstudio Repo Packages
- [LAU]
- [LAU] Linux softsynths
- [LAU] Minor bug-fixes and accessibility improvements of GSequencer 0.6.23
- [LAU] Mono tracks to mono or stereo bus ? And sampling rate
- [LAU] Muse refuses to start
- [LAU] Music made with Linux - Désert (zynadd, amsynth, seq24 and a few ladspa... plus M$)
- [LAU] Music Made With Linux - Rated Blue EP Released!
- [LAU] Music made with linux, "Another waltz"
- [LAU] Music Recorded With Linux. 7 step
- [LAU] Music recorded with Linux: c2014-02
- [LAU] Music recorded with Linux: cauchemard
- [LAU] Music recorded with Linux: nor
- [LAU] Music recorded with Linux: reverie
- [LAU] Music recorded with Linux: The Deschanels
- [LAU] music written with Linux (musescore)
- [LAU] native FM/PM synths for Linux
- [LAU] November 2015 Paris attacks - Was: Music recorded with Linux: c2014-02
- [LAU] OT Acoustic Design of Rooms
- [LAU] pianos with built in recorders?
- [LAU] Podolski: a free synthesizer
- [LAU] QMidiArp-0.6.3 bugfix release
- [LAU] Qtractor vs. dssi-vst?
- [LAU] Recorded in Linux: restored from archive: KillVideGill
- [LAU] Sound-Card Priorities?
- [LAU] Temple of Time - made in Linux
- [LAU] The Quiet Moon
- [LAU] Underneath, composed in qtractor
- [LAU] Wanted: Female singer
- [LAU] Yoshimi
- jackd without MIDI
- The Quiet Moon
- The Quiet Moon (plugin synth issue)
- Last message date: Mon Nov 30 2015 - 08:15:01 EET
- Archived on: Mon Nov 30 2015 - 08:15:01 EET