Am 19.11.2015 um 12:55 schrieb Christopher Arndt:
> Running Win 32-bit VSTs in Carla doesn't work very well atm, you need a
> very young version compiled from the repo, but still they produce lots
> of xruns.
> (Atm I can't event compile carla-brigde-win32, but that might be an AUR
> packaging issue.)
I am very pleased to report, that as of yesterday, the compilation
issues of carla-briges-win32 have been addressed in the Carla repo and
it builds and runs without problems on my Arch Linux laptop.
This means that it is now possible and practical again to run Win32 VST
plugins in Carla and so far I haven't experienced any drop-outs or xruns
with the synthesizer plugins I have tested with this new version.
A big thanks to falkTX and the AUR packager Joermungand!
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