Re: [LAU] [OT]: Multiple windows paradigm - [WAS]: Re: A Project To Upgrade seq24

From: Neil C Smith <>
Date: Thu Dec 10 2015 - 11:42:08 EET

On 10 Dec 2015 08:37, "Lorenzo Sutton" <lorenzofsutton@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On 09/12/2015 22:17, Louigi Verona wrote:
>> A single window mode is very welcome. I don't understand this Linux
>> obsession with opening a zillion of windows.
> Personally I find multiple windows a very nice distinctive feature on
Linux vs. other OSs, especially for complex applications which offer
different 'interaction paradigms'.

Generally I'm more on Louigi's side of the argument here. I find lots of
windows opening by default distinctively annoying. However, there are
obviously use cases, such as with multiple workspaces or monitors. I'd
prefer this to be user configurable though.

The UI toolkit I use for Praxis LIVE starts off as single window, but
allows the user to drag features around inside the main window, or outside
into a new window. Surely that's a feature of most UI toolkits that support
MDI, and actually meets both requirements above?

Best wishes,


Neil C Smith
Artist : Technologist : Adviser

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Dec 10 12:15:03 2015

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