Re: [LAU] Music made with Linux (MuseScore 2): Norah

From: ben <brouits@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 15 2015 - 17:14:22 EET

Le 14/12/2015 09:27, F. Silvain a écrit :
> Benoît Rouits, Dec 13 2015:
>> Hello,
>> Today i wrote a very little piece for solo Harp, in 6/8 with MuseScore
>> 2. It's tiny and sweet, i hop you will like it:
> Benoît,
> this is a lovely tune! One thing I do wonder, when listening to your
> compositions: does MuseScore allow you to insert some change of velocity
> in an easy way? I enjoyed some of your songs, but so often they sound
> too generated, which is a pitty! Some tempo and velocity variations
> could do wonders.
> Still, this one is beautiful and sweet. and it's good, that you share
> all this music. Please go on doing it!
> ...
> Ta-ta

Hello Silvain,

Indeed the rendering is mechanical and boring to listen to.

For the moment i did not found an easy way to change velocities of notes
(appart from one note at a time with the note editor).

But I recently saw that MuseScore 2 has a nice QML/JS interface for
plugins, so i would like to write a plugin to fuzzy a little bit the
velocities of a selection of notes. I would like also to fuzzy the
moment of each key pressure, so that could lead to a less robotic rendering.

Cheers, and thanks for your comments !
- Benoît
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Received on Tue Dec 15 20:15:06 2015

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