[LAU] Roland/Edirol UA 25 (was: Linux compatible USB 2in-2-out interface.)

From: Wayne DePrince Jr. <waynedpj@email-addr-hidden-giro.org>
Date: Tue Dec 15 2015 - 18:59:52 EET

Il giorno mar, 15/12/2015 alle 15.29 +0100, Peter P. ha scritto:
> * James Greenlee <james@email-addr-hidden> [2015-12-15 01:35]:
> > Anybody know of a low-cost (used is fine) 2-in, 2-out USB audio interface
> > that works great with Linux? I don't really need mic or instrument
> > inputs...I need line inputs/outputs.
> >
> > Bonus points for:
> >
> > Bus powered interfaces
> > Box-shaped units with all I/O on the same panel (USB connection on the
> > opposite panel is fine)
> Try to get a Roland/Edirol UA 25 second hand. Apparently there are nor
> more functional drivers for newer versions of OS X, so people start to
> sell them again. No software mixer required, works great here on Debian
> and has the options you ask for, and then some more.

i have a Roland/Edirol FA 66 which is basically the FireWire version of the UA
25. i can say it has worked very well with Linux for years.

however, as carting around an extra power brick and a delicate FireWire
ExpressCard can be difficult, perhaps the UA 25 is a more portable option. ju
st wondering how the USB 2.0 connection handles the multiple audio channel
possibilities of the UA 25 (seems to support 2 INs, 4 OUTs, MIDI IN/OUT and
digital IN/OUT)? personally i would only be using it at 48 kHz/24-bit.

thanks, w

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Received on Tue Dec 15 20:15:06 2015

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