Re: [LAU] which lau distro is more commandline friendly?

From: <jonetsu@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 22 2015 - 04:38:35 EET

On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 21:16:15 -0500 (EST)
Karen Lewellen <klewellen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Regardless, based on what I do with my
> main computer, the box will be firmly run via ssh TELNET.

Why would you access the machine remotely ?

Technically speaking there is no such thing as ssh telnet. These two
are different, ssh being secure, telnet not secure.

> No thoughts between those specific professional audio distributions?

If it is professional, then they will charge for it. So these are not
professional products per se.

> If they are interchangeable, then I may seek out avlinux since my
> understanding is it is Debian based.

KXStudio is based on Ubuntu packages, which in turn is based on Debian.

> I wanted to keep squeeze because I have a full set of discs for it,
> but the Latency discussion has me wondering since low latency Kernels
> are a must, at least for me, where the pro audio work is concerned.
> Kare

As I have replied a few minutes ago, I have never looked out for
latency except perhaps 12 years ago. All current kernels are OK to
make music, record projects using plugins, render, etc that is, on a
recent machine. So it depends on the machine.

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Dec 22 08:15:01 2015

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