Re: [LAU] JACK freewheel mode: disadvantages?

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 02 2016 - 01:56:57 EET

On 03/02/2016 12:37 AM, jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:

> Since I would (still) have to compile jackd from upstream in order to
> get the fix related a race condition when exporting with Ardour

How about using a GNU/Linux distribution that does not ship a 2 1/2 year
old versions of jackd?

> Can Ardour be switched from using jackd to ALSA for a session, just
> the time to do the export and then switched back ?

Yes, you can change the audio system any time, also while a session is
loaded. Ardour-Menu > Window > Audio/Midi Setup

> And in doing so,
> is there any drawback in doing the export with ALSA ?

No drawbacks. Except you'll have to stop jackd if you want to use the
same device as jackd is using.

There's also a "None (Dummy)" audio system which does not need an actual
device, but this only available if Ardour was configured
    ./waf configure --with-backends=jack,alsa,dummy

(Ardour4 debug builds from have this enabled).

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Received on Wed Mar 2 04:15:01 2016

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