Re: [LAU] Routing MIDI Channels between ALSA and JACK

From: Ffanci Silvain <silvain@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 10 2016 - 14:42:20 EET

Nacho Otal, Mar 10 2016:
> 2.- Is there a possibility to route directly midi commands to JACK avoiding ALSA?
Not avoiding ALSA, since ALSA drives the hardware and JACK sits ontop of ahrdware drivers. BUT...

You can start JACK with the -xseq or -xraw commandline options and it will give you your hardware MIDI ports. Tried and tested.

Or you use a2j_midibridge or a similar tool, and if necessary its reverse, which will bridge JACK MIDI ports to the ALSA sequencer system, also tried and tested. Sorry, I have no URL for those extra packages, but you should be able to find them on the net.


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