Hello Nacho,
On 03/10/2016 01:26 PM, Nacho Otal wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m working on a project where we’d like to interface a MIDI board (livid’s brain jr.) to the IDJC application (http://idjc.sourceforge.net <http://idjc.sourceforge.net/>).
> As of by now, we’re able to configure the board and send MIDI commands through the USB port to the Ubuntu Studio that is our development box.
> However, and as you’ll see in the attached screenshot (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ss9i5bwaqzs5ays/idjc.png?dl=0), IDJC is only able to retrieve MIDI Commands from JACK and not from ALSA.
> I understand that there’s a way to route the MIDI channels from ALSA to JACK and this can be done through ALSA PATCH BAY (http://pkl.net/~node/software/alsa-patch-bay/ <http://pkl.net/~node/software/alsa-patch-bay/> ) for example.
> I’d be glad if you could drop some lines to this conversation, I have in fact two questions:
> 1.- Does anybody have an experience with the livid brain jr, ALSA, JACK and IDJC?
> 2.- Is there a possibility to route directly midi commands to JACK avoiding ALSA?
> Thank you very much for your time and help.
You can try using JACK with -Xseq, this will trigger the JACK internal
ALSA-JACK MIDI bridge. There's also a direct JACK option for this but
that depends on the JACK version you're using. IIRC for Jack2 this is
-Xalsarawmidi. You can also use a2jmidid but then you need to start that
in the background after having started JACK.
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