On 05/06/16 12:09, Jostein Chr. Andersen wrote:
> Hi folks!
> Long time, so see! I'm back again after another heart attack and a diabetes
> diagnosis. But I'm feeling better that I did even several years ago. Well,
> thats enough self pithiness, here is my case: :-)
> I have decided to test Seq24 again as a creative, effective and efficient MIDI
> sequencing tool for composing and arranging. But over the years, I have found
> it unstable enough to destroy my creative flow when I'm in that mood. That
> situation also goes also for the 0.92 one at the Seq24 project site at
> launchpad.net.
> So before I try 0.93 and get it under my skin, how about Seq42 or even
> something else? I'm very comfortable with Rosegarden, but Seq24 is probably
> the fastest thing to use and setup when one quickly want to put some tracks
> together for creative usage or arranging.
> What do you find easiest and best to use when only focusing to make tracks and
> arrangements as fast as possible? What do you use and what do you think?
> Jostein
I have the same experience with seq24, well no, not stability issues,
but last time I fired it up I couldn't get it to work at all, but it
could have been just me ; still, no song that day :/ it's a shame
because I like mostly everything about seq24, starting with it's
interface and block workflow.
Have you tried harmonySeq <https://harmonyseq.wordpress.com/>? It's
quite wonderful, and really refreshing, I tried it out, and even made a
(french) tutorial for it
just after reading a very enthusiastic (borderline lyrical) article from
Louigi Verona
about it.
I made a quick song (well, no, just a short piece of music, but I'd like
to use it as a pure composition tool to make SONGS, like R&D verses,
hooks and bridge with its key changing functions) right away in it
(using only Qsynth with the Debian fluid-soundfont) and the sky was
really the limit, it responds quickly, is very light and
one-task-one-tool compliant, and did not crash on me once.
Definitely try it if you didn't.
yPhil (https://youtu.be/mqDtZPPivZE!)
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