On söndag 5 juni 2016 kl. 16:34:50 CEST Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> >I second this to the max, but Jostein seemed interesting in a tool for
> >composing songs, and not just record them
> Qtractor can be used to compose and arrange by different approaches, I'm
> not missing a work-flow, just a few features. For the different
> approaches I use, it works very good. Either I have an idea and compose
> in a more or less classical way or I tinker, hard worded, if following
> this approach, the idea is vague or I've got no idea at all and might
> not really know what I'm doing, compared with the classical approach.
> IMO Qtractor is usable for both, the classical musician and the
> completely clueless trial and error composer. YMMV!
I love the way Rui Nuno Capela's programs work and and I do also like the work
flow of Qtractor, the consistency he provides across the different programs he
makes is also a huge plus. I will carefully consider Qtractor again for midi
work, but I'm afraid it is not really what I'm looking for. As an Ardour/
Mixbus and Rosegarden user, I'm well served; and this will be even better when
the upcoming Ardour 5 arrives. That said, I never leave Qtractor out of sight!
There's something about the non distracting clean purity of the interface and
and lack of bells, whistles and almost anything that attracts me to Seq24 and
its forks. It's somewhat like grabbing a simple metronome vs. firing up a
computer and start and click on stuff in order to get a steady 4/4 beat in 120
when you want to practice an instrument.
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Received on Sun Jun 5 20:15:02 2016
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