On 2016-06-18 13:38, Louigi Verona wrote:
> You know, Set, I firmly believe in the necessity of dialog. A community
> that can't handle challenges to the principles it is based upon is
> intellectually dead. I hope this isn't true of the Free Software world.
Attack isn't the best way to generate a dialogue. This thread was based
on attacks. I'm not excluding OP from this, even if OP wasn't attacking
anyone in particular, except a multi-billion dollar company.
> As for emotions and hints at my indecency simply because I happen to
> work somewhere or because I've raised a certain question is something
> that I've been exposed to constantly as I started to promote science and
> critical thinking. The anti-science crowd is much more vile than
> anything I've ever seen on our mailinglist.
> And as for whether it makes sense to bring such topics on this
> mailinglist, I think that this is the only place where it makes sense to
> bring this up. I want to be in the dialog with people who align with the
> ideology and who can correct me - or confirm - some of my concerns.
> John's response to my polite argumentation perfectly demonstrates that
> my concerns are not totally void.
I agree, although the way i read it, you didn't bring up any topic, you
provoked a topic by reacting emotionally to OP's externalized
frustration. In my previous reply I'm not saying it makes no sense to
bring up this topic here: I'm saying that there are a few things you
have to take in account, if your intention is to have a fruitful and
constructive discussion or being listened to.
> Either way, if the message that some of us take from this thread that it
> is better to just shut up if you do not agree with something is a
> message that is unlikely to create a world envisioned by freedom loving
> people. A world where any dissent is silenced, even at the level of a
> mailinglist discussion, is incompatible with human well being.
Are you saying that because some of the poster's question your "dissent"
you are being silenced? I must have missed some messages, i read more or
less solid arguments that are more or less emotionally charged. I'll
give you that you have made several attempts to soften the angle you
came in with originally. But in many ways i think that given how you
conducted your on points in this thread, you invoking "silenced dissent"
in this particular context is ironic. A healthy discussion where all
parties are allowed to express themselves doesn't imply reaching any
agreements. Except maybe to agree to dissagree.
This said, and on a personal note, i have a a lot of respect for you,
Luigi. Disagreeing with you, or better said: disagreeing with the way
you formulate yourself isn't going to change that. However, i might have
been emotionally involved myself, but i believe a respectful tone
entitles me to express those emotions.
However, where i really reach you in your development through out the
thread is that FLOSS community really need to work on the way it
promotes itself. I include you and myself to this conclusion. Something
i repeatedly feel where ever FLOSS is thriving.
-- Set Sakrecoer _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-userReceived on Sat Jun 18 16:15:02 2016
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