On 19/06/2016 16:47, Christopher Arndt wrote:
> Am 19.06.2016 um 18:38 schrieb jonetsu@email-addr-hidden:
>> Is there software that can use the impulse response files for each
>> location, hence not needing to upload our own sounds to their website ?
> Just click on a specific location, then select the "Impulse Responses"
> tab and download the WAv file(s). Load the Klangfalter plugin in your
> host and open the WAV file in the plugin.
At first, I wanted to do the video with Klangfalter, and then I
discovered IR (because it was mentioned here) and I have this strange
"tooltkit" illness that makes me favor one piece of software over
another just by the level of integration of its GUI with my DE, this is
very shallow I know. Klangfalter was the first I knew about (also
because it was mentioned here, I should definitely have come sooner :p)
and it works really good, in fact even on the GUI side (It just can't
resize, like all juce plugins, oh well) because it turns out that IR
tends to "forget everything" the IR file loaded, the settings for that
matter, and even the "IR files library" location :( so I kinda regret
not having done the full thing with Klangfalter, it's kind of unjust. At
least I mentioned it, ah.
PS - about that "places where we can find IR files" thing, I got a
comment on the video about musical-artifacts (MA :
https://musical-artifacts.com) that I know about because I read about it
on LMP, and discovered some time ago that it was *directly connected to
guitarix* this is incredible, did you know about that? It's in tjhe
presets, you refresh it like a list of resources from an online shooter
:) I dreamed about that: Presets stored online in a FOSS library,
readable from the program's GUI! I want to do a video about that, so I'd
like to ask you guys:
Do you know of any other interaction of this kind? On the matter at
hand, are there any IR plugin "connected" to MA? And any other audio
software that can do that, retrieve online presets? For instance, Jeremy
Autostatic made super cool patches for synthV1, and everytime I install
a machine (I'll do a video about that too) I have to hunt them down,
where are they? Wait, they ARE on MA
<https://musical-artifacts.com/artifacts/147>. Well, I'd love to have
those right inside my synthv1 :p
Ideally, you could not only read but write those, so you'd be identified
on MA, well, I am right now, wait, maybe that already works like this,
is there an API for this web thingie? Is this even possible, like in the
LV2 specs?
Anyway, thanks a lot for you kind words, everybody! I tripled my YTube
subscribers (word is they start giving you money when there's a lot,
anybody here knows more about that?) from 10 to 60 :)
If there is anything that you'd want me to cover, please, big, loud,
thunderous please, let me know, the episode will be even better.
> Chris
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