On Jun 22, 2016 8:38 PM, "Glen MacArthur" <info@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >
> One more thing... regarding Barry's Satan Maximizer
> It works wonders on anything percussive (including Pianos). If you don't
> mind indulging me try this and see what you think...
> Take one of your piano tracks in Ardour and add the Barry's Satan
> Maximizer after Pianoteq but pre-fader, BSM only has 2 controls so set the
> the top one "Decay time (samples)" to 24 and then set the "Knee point
> (db)" to approximately -3. See what you think ...
--- I just installed the SWH plugins (LV2 versions) and tried the Barry's Satan Maximizer with this same track, the Lost Isle piano piece, pre-fader and with your suggested initial settings. I had to lower the fader volume so the master bus wouldn't reach maximum, but I loved the punch it added to the piano. I think I might replace the recording I now have at BandCamp.com with a new version (after a few more rehearsals) that includes the BSM. Thank you so much, Glen. I feel like you have just shared one of your secrets, and that was very kind of you to do. :-) I think I'm going to make some good use of this plugin. -Steve
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Received on Thu Jun 23 08:15:03 2016
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