jonetsu@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> This one has a slight jazzy feel to it. An improvisation.
> Electric piano comp: Pianoteq w1 Comp
> Bass: DiscoveryPro custom patch
> Main drums: Mark Fletcher Jazz Drums
> Congas: Wave Alchemy Afro Latin Percussion vol 02
> First solo: ZebraHZ - CSBO 4th
> Second solo: Zebra2 Colin Neff - Formant Horn
> Ambiance: Bazille Valis - Yotei
> Recorded using Bitwig clips, exported as individual tracks then mixed
> in Mixbus 32c. Bass: AF210 EQ, Main drums: XT-DC, Formant Horn: XT-VC,
> W1 piano: PTC-2A. Reverb: Protoverb on separate bus. Stereo bus:
> Dyno-mite, XT-ME. Exported sans normalization. Made from scratch in a
> bit less than 5 hours.
> Integrated Loudness: -17.1 LUFS
> Loudness range: 3.1 LU
> Peak -1.0 dBFS
> True Peak -1.0 dbTP
> Cheers.
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> Linux-audio-user mailing list
> Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
An interesting piece for sure, very polyrhythmic especially once the
congas get involved. Well mixed and produced as well. I'm not sure if I
love how the lead 'horns' play with against the polyrhythm in a few
places, the timing seems too 'straight' and forced against the beat, but
hey if it's improv, that's how it went down!
Nice job!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jun 27 04:15:02 2016
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