Re: [LAU] LinnStrument on Linux

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Sun Jul 17 2016 - 19:56:10 EEST

On Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:29:39 +0100, Will Godfrey wrote:
>I could just about imagine it with some form of auto-legato on a single
>channel, but how do you *accurately* line up bend-high on one note with
>bend-low on the next one up... and manage some form of volume fade
>without getting phasing effects???

The pitch bend avoids this. You are using pitch bend to slide from note
c to not d on one MIDI channel and you use pitch bend to slide from
note e to note f on another MIDI channel, so you don't trigger a new
note, it's done by pitch bend. That's my guess ;).
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Received on Sun Jul 17 20:15:04 2016

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