Re: [LAU] Childrens educational media and youtube promotions

From: <jonetsu@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Sep 09 2016 - 02:50:57 EEST

On Fri, 9 Sep 2016 01:16:32 +0200
"Patrick Shirkey" <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> > UA only did this once and it is so funny.

> I wonder how much money and how many people were involved in the
> production and marketing process. Did the artist have the support of
> an established media organisation or perhaps a promotional slot on
> Oprah/Ellen/The View/etc...

Well, UA is popular. Or was, when she did pop/soul songs.

For an example, with band Fishmans:

The intent was not to compare with a start up. Not at all. Although,
start up or not, there are genre styles to be applied when a
conservative market is considered. Childrens' educational material is
rather conservative after all.
> > Large black backgrounds for kids are not very inviting, isn't it ?
> > It is understandable to have that to get the fluo out of the
> > colours, but black ? Black is not a welcome colour for kids,
> > Polynesian and elsewhere, no ? I mean, even as early days, how can
> > business interest be generated like that ? I agree there's room
> > for creativity in childrens' educational material, but black ? I
> > refer to the video.

> It helps make the colors pop.

I'm afraid, for the children market, it will take more than that.
Maybe sticking to the idea of using fractal animations, if a black
background proves mandatory, might not be a good move.

> > As a side note, wouldn't that be "kindergarten kids" instead ?

> Kinder Surprise...

That's what I thought. So you already got sponsoring ? :)
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Received on Fri Sep 9 04:15:03 2016

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