On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 11:48:51 +0200
Alf Haakon Lund <alf@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hello list,
> My googling did not provide me with sufficient answers, so I'm
> directing my questions here ;-)
> I made a 1 hour long project in Ardour that exports as a 635 MB
> wav-file.
> From Ardour the same project exports as a 566 MB FLAC file. However,
> if instead I use SoundConverter to convert the WAV to FLAC, the
> resulting file is 269 MB.
> Since both are FLAC I'd expect them to yield the same playback
> (though after finding a report at hificritic [1], I wonder...)
> Is there a way to check if those FLAC files are indeed 'audio
> identical'?
> And, obviously - if the audio quality is indeed the same - I much
> prefer the smaller file. How can I tell Ardour to compress better?
> Thankful for any and all input,
> Al F
> 1. http://www.hificritic.com/flac-wav-sound-quality-research.html
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You can compare the files by simply using diff. If they are different,
then your best bet to find out the differences is sndfile-info.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Sep 11 16:15:02 2016
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