[LAU] [ANN] The QStuff* End of Summer'16 Release

From: Rui Nuno Capela <rncbc@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 14 2016 - 20:00:02 EEST


Modesty on the side, this is the ultimate Qstuff* End of Summer'16
release frenzy.

Nothing less than the following gems:

* QjackCtl 0.4.3
* Qsynth 0.4.2
* Qsampler 0.4.1
* QXGEdit 0.4.1
* QmidiCtl 0.4.1
* QmidiNet 0.4.1

are now released to the masses.

Enjoy and have (lots of) fun!

**QjackCtl - JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface [1]**

      QjackCtl 0.4.3 (end of summer'16) released!

QjackCtl [1] is a(n ageing but still) simple Qt [7] application to
control the JACK [8] sound server, for the Linux Audio [12] infrastructure.


Project page:

- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:

Git repos:

- Fix build error caused by variable length array.
- Fix some tooltip spelling (patch by Jaromír Mikeš, thanks).
- Translation (not) fix for the default server name "(default)".
- Old "Start minimized to system tray" option returns to setup.
- Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given
that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido Scholz, while for
Qtractor [15], thanks).
- Late again French (fr) translation update (by Olivier Humbert aka.
trebmuh, thanks).

**Qsynth - A fluidsynth Qt GUI Interface [2]**

      Qsynth 0.4.2 (end of summer'16) released!

Qsynth [2] is a FluidSynth [10] GUI front-end application written in C++
around the Qt [7] framework using Qt Designer.


Project page:

- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:

Git repos:

- Old "Start minimized to system tray" option returns to setup.
- Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given
that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido Scholz, while for
Qtractor [15], thanks).

**Qsampler - A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface [3]**

      Qsampler 0.4.1 (end of summer'16) released!

Qsampler [3] is a LinuxSampler [11] GUI front-end application written in
C++ around the Qt [7] framework using Qt Designer.


Project page:

- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:

Git repos:

- Fixed a race condition on creating sampler channels that ended in
duplicate channel strips; also fixed channel auto-arrange.
- Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given
that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido Scholz, while for
Qtractor [15], thanks).
- Automake: set environment variable GCC_COLORS=auto to allow GCC to
auto detect whether it (sh/c)ould output its messages in color.

**QXGEdit - A Qt XG Editor [4]**

      QXGEdit 0.4.1 (end of summer'16) released!

QXGEdit [4] is a live XG instrument editor, specialized on editing MIDI
System Exclusive files (.syx) for the Yamaha DB50XG [14] and thus
probably a baseline for many other XG devices.


Project page:

- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:

Git repos:

- Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given
that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido Scholz, while for
Qtractor [15], thanks).

**QmidiCtl - A MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast [5]**

      QmidiCtl 0.4.1 (end of summer'16) released!

QmidiCtl [5] is a MIDI remote controller application that sends MIDI
data over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast
[16] and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI [17] for Windows.
QmidiCtl [5] has been primarily designed for the Maemo [18] enabled
handheld devices, namely the Nokia N900 [19] and also being promoted to
the Maemo Package repositories [20]. Nevertheless, QmidiCtl may still be
found effective as a regular desktop application as well.


Project page:

- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:

Git repos:

- Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant
      given that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido
      Scholz, while for Qtractor [15], thanks).

**QmidiNet - A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast [6]**

      QmidiNet 0.4.1 (end of summer'16) released!

QmidiNet [6] is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and
receives MIDI data (ALSA-MIDI and JACK-MIDI) over the network, using
UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast [16] and designed to be
compatible with ipMIDI [17] for Windows.


Project page:

- source tarball:
- source package:
- binary packages:

Git repos:

- Dropped the --enable-qt5 from configure as found redundant given
that's the build default anyway (suggestion by Guido Scholz, while for
Qtractor [15], thanks).

      All of the Qstuff* are free, free, open-source Linux Audio [12]
software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
(GPL [13]) version 2 or later.


     [1] QjackCtl - A JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface

     [2] Qsynth - A fluidsynth Qt GUI Interface

     [3] Qsampler - A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface

     [4] QXGEdit - A Qt XG Editor

     [5] QmidiCtl - A MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast

     [6] QmidiNet - A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast

     [7] Qt framework, C++ class library and tools for
         cross-platform application and UI development

     [8] JACK Audio Connection Kit

     [9] ALSA, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture

[10] FluidSynth - A SoundFont Synthesizer
         A real-time software synthesizer based on SoundFont 2

[11] LinuxSampler - The Linux Sampler Project
         A modular, streaming capable, realtime audio sampler

[12] Linux Audio consortium of libre software for audio-related work

[13] GPL - GNU General Public License

[14] Yamaha DB50XG

[15] Qtractor, an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer

[16] multimidicast - sends and receives MIDI from ALSA sequencers over

[17] ipMIDI - MIDI over Ethernet ports - send MIDI over your LAN

[18] Maemo.org - Home of the Maemo community

[19] Maemo.org Wiki - Nokia N900

[20] Maemo.org - Downloads: QmidiCtl

See also:

Enjoy && keep the fun, always!
rncbc aka. Rui Nuno Capela
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 14 20:15:02 2016

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