Re: [LAU] Laptop sound problems

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Tue Sep 27 2016 - 14:01:02 EEST

Please don't reply off-list. On the list there are several subscribers
who maintain an Ubuntu flavour, that AFAIK by default combines jackdbus
and pulseaudio, they could help you much better than I could do, since
I categorically refuse pulseaudio.

On Tue, 27 Sep 2016 11:29:34 +0100, Bill Purvis wrote:
>Thanks Ralf, but it was all working with jack in place before I set
>this up. Pulseaudio is latest version from LAU so I don;t see why
>there should be a problem.

You should mention what pulseaudio version, jackd version etc. you are
using, since "latest version from LAU" is not really useful. Perhaps
mentioning the distro and it's release could be also helpful. I never
used pulseaudio and never ever will use it, I don't have it installed,
so I only could provide a link:

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 27 16:15:02 2016

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