Re: [LAU] RME HDSP 9652 priority issue

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Sat Dec 03 2016 - 11:18:45 EET

On Sat, 03 Dec 2016 01:29:58 +0100, Michael Jarosch wrote:
>Am Mittwoch, den 30.11.2016, 21:17 +0100 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
>:/home/mitsch# /etc/init.d/rtirq status
>  336 FF      50   -  90  2.7 S    irq/21-snd_hdsp

>>   systemctl status rtirq
>doesn't print that nice output of /etc/init.d/rtirq status

'systemctl status' doesn't run rtirq, it displays the status of the
service. If you run 'rtirq status' it doesn't show the status of the

However, everything is ok with the generated unit, so the culprit most
likely is, that you need another release of rtirq or another release of
the kernel.

There are no issues with

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ uname -r
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pacman -Q rtirq
rtirq 20150216-1
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ rtirq status | head -3

  292 FF 90 - 130 0.0 S irq/18-snd_hdsp

>> It's idiotic to mix systemd with init scripts.
>Yes, maybe. But you'll remember how heatened the discussion about
>systemd was and you know, they had to handle the situation. The mix-
>systemd-with-sysv-init-sollution works for vast majority of scripts
>which hasn't been ported, yet. So, it's a good compromise and maybe
>when the next debian stable is ready, all sysv-init-related stuff is
>already history... No need to get angry, they've done a good job in my

I don't understand why you call it a good job. Upstream provides rtirq
for systemd usage.

They don't need to "port" the script, they only need to package a unit.
It's even not required to write the 10 simple lines of the unit, since
it's already provided by upstream, .
IOW your distro migrated to systemd and packages software from
upstream as an init script, while it already is for usage with systemd.
This is idiotic, since it takes extra work to package it as an init
script, while it is no extra work, to simply copy it from upstream.

I'm not discussing systemd here, I discuss irrational package

How could you call this a good job? I call it sabotage to package
software from upstream, providing everything for systemd usage, as an
init script, for a distro that migrated to systemd. AFAIK you won't find
it for other distros, I suspect that this is an issue for Debian and
Ubuntu only.

Arch Linux:

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ pacman -Ql rtirq
rtirq /etc/
rtirq /etc/conf.d/
rtirq /etc/conf.d/rtirq
rtirq /usr/
rtirq /usr/bin/
rtirq /usr/bin/rtirq
rtirq /usr/lib/
rtirq /usr/lib/systemd/
rtirq /usr/lib/systemd/system/
rtirq /usr/lib/systemd/system/rtirq.service

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Received on Sat Dec 3 12:15:01 2016

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