[LAU] Jack Audio Appliance?

From: Schatzman, James <Schatzman-James@email-addr-hidden-ask.com>
Date: Fri Dec 16 2016 - 23:01:07 EET

Is there a Jack Audio Appliance commercially available?

If not, I would like to build one. Here are my requirements

1) Accepts 4 or more input audio streams at Xonar 7 rates (24-bit channels at 192KHz).

2) Makes the audio streams available to Jack clients on the network.

3) Is compact and reliable.

What would be a reasonable compact platform to host such a device (processor speed/cores, memory, etc.)?

Also, is it feasible to jack up the data rates even higher - say to several megasamples per second?

Thank you-


Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Dec 17 00:15:01 2016

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