Re: [LAU] Release: story_maker - make dramatised readings with your speech synths

From: Jeanette C. <julien@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Feb 07 2017 - 13:31:08 EET

Feb 7 2017, Ralf Mardorf has written:
> Are you sure that it isn't legal to use proprietary voices? If we pay for e.g. a proprietary orchestra sample library, it wouldn't make sense, if it would be illegal to use the orchestra sounds for publishing.
Slightly different case, those voices are really cheap ($15 and for some
other $45). They sell other licenses to the industry for voice branding.
So, these voices are meant for personal use only.

Anyway, I just pushed an update, with a few improvements and two
examples using espeak. :)



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Received on Tue Feb 7 16:15:02 2017

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