On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 13:08:54 -0500, jonetsu wrote:
>On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 18:30:05 +0100
>Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@email-addr-hidden-dsl.net> wrote:
>> This is not correct, security upgrades are not supported for every
>> repository [1], let alone that there could be regressions for
>> security reasons.
>That's very probably right. I do not know how Linux Mint depends on
>Debian. It could be quite heavily. Fortunately, security is not the
>prime concern. Just basics. I considered several times to go with
>Arch Linux. I used to build my own Linux systems using BLFS but those
>were the days. So much time not making music. Arch Linux seems to
>offer a good stance but then again, I can't at the moment estimate the
>time that would be required to move to Arch Linux and the problem
>associated with the move to get everything going. Days ? A week ?
Indeed, to tailor a Linux install could be time-consuming. I did this
when I was jobless and I notice that my full-time job nowadays makes it
hard to maintain my tailored Linux installs, let alone to use them to
make music. Anyway, if you are willing to install a DE and you don't
want to tailor your whole Linux install, than the transition to Arch
shouldn't be too time-consuming for you. Linux novices should stay with
Ubuntu and derivatives for a few years, before migrating to Arch Linux.
However, it at least takes days to migrate from one to another distro
and honestly, it's more safe to expect that it takes weeks, at least if
you shouldn't be 20 years young, but in my age > 50 years "young".
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Received on Mon Dec 11 00:15:04 2017
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