A new version of jalv.select is released.
jalv.select is a little GUI to select lv2 <http://lv2plug.in/> plugs
from a list and run them with jalv <https://drobilla.net/software/jalv/>
as jack standalone app.
* select jalv interpreter from combo box,
* select LV2 plugin from list,
* create your own favorite list and select plugins from there
* select preset to load from (pop-up) menu,
* search plugins by regex or plugin class,
* reload lilv world to catch new installed plugins or presets,
* load plugin with selected preset,
* minimize app to systray (global Hotkey SHIFT+ESCAPE),
* wake up app from systray (global Hotkey SHIFT+ESCAPE):
o left mouse click on systray to show or hide app
o right mouse click to show quit menu item
* . . .
jalv.select is released under the Public Domain, so do with it what ever
you wont.
get it here:
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Received on Mon Jan 15 12:15:01 2018
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