Re: [LAU] Linux Music

From: Diego Simak <diego.simak@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 02 2020 - 17:02:38 EEST

El vie., 1 de mayo de 2020 19:12, Louigi Verona <louigi.verona@email-addr-hidden>

> Hey Diego!
> Nice tune! I like how the mix starts, but later on it feels like it's
> either clipping or overcompressed. I would also really mind hihat and
> percussion levels, a lot of them might sound better if they are quieter, so
> that the beat feels more together. As a rule, I make hihats really-really
> quiet, this is one of the major tips of writing techno. Usually you reduce
> the loudness of the hiahat to 0 and then increase its loudness until you
> can make it out, but not louder than that.
> I would also reduce the lows on most of the elements, by about 1.38 when
> the claps starts it becomes really crowded. I like the string at 6.20, very
> clean, but the mix itself is not breathing at this point and feels a bit
> flat, whereas I want to feel the dynamics and the groove. And what's
> interesting, the mix itself sound relatively clean, so a bit more dynamics
> could really make it awesome.
> Cheers!
> Louigi Verona

Hey Louigi!

Thank You very much for your sugestions.
Yes, I agree it feels overcompressed, I need to adjust some volumen levels.

It was recorded using timemachine with seq24 in live mode, so it needs to
be rethought.

I Will take in account your suggestions!

Thank You very much.
Best regards

> On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 11:26 PM Diego Simak <diego.simak@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> El vie., 1 may. 2020 a las 14:02, Jeanette C. (<julien@email-addr-hidden>)
>> escribió:
>>> May 1 2020, Diego Simak has written:
>>> ...
>>> >
>>> This sounds very electro nightclubby. I could imagine the kicks pumping
>>> out a big PA. It also shows a non too often exposed side of Yoshimi. I
>>> think I'd love to hear that in a Berlin underground club. :)
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jeanette
>>> --
>>> * Website: - for summer is a state of sound
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>>> I'm so curious, what do you think of me <3
>>> (Britney Spears)
>> Hey Jeanette!
>> Thank you very much for listening.
>> Yeah, I would love to ear it in a underground club too.
>> Best wishes,
>> Diego
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