[LAU] [Music] "Grüngürtel 7 pm" - pure Yamaha reface DX, produced with Ardour 6

From: Christopher Arndt <chris@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jun 04 2020 - 18:43:12 EEST

Hi everyone,

here's a little contemplative synthy tune I conceived - as the title
hints at - on a sunny Monday evening in the park and recorded and mixed
in Ardour 6 within the next few hours.


All sounds are from a Yamaha reface DX FM synthesizer, so no FLOSS sound
generators here and almost all effects are from the reface DX, but the
track was done on Linux and with Ardour and additional effects (very
few) are all Open Source.

Download is enabled on SoundCloud for the track, if you want FLAC, and
you can also download it here:

* https://chrisarndt.de/music/homerecording/Gruenguertel%207%20pm.flac
* https://chrisarndt.de/music/homerecording/Gruenguertel%207%20pm.ogg

If you are interested in the synthesizer patches, let me know and I'll
upload them somewhere (they are not compatible with any other Yamaha FM
synth, though).

Share & Enjoy,

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Jun 5 04:15:02 2020

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