Re: [LAU] [Music] "Grüngürtel 7 pm" - pure Yamaha reface DX, produced with Ardour 6

From: Will Godfrey <willgodfrey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 05 2020 - 15:33:10 EEST

On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:43:12 +0200
Christopher Arndt <> wrote:

>Hi everyone,
>here's a little contemplative synthy tune I conceived - as the title
>hints at - on a sunny Monday evening in the park and recorded and mixed
>in Ardour 6 within the next few hours.
>All sounds are from a Yamaha reface DX FM synthesizer, so no FLOSS sound
>generators here and almost all effects are from the reface DX, but the
>track was done on Linux and with Ardour and additional effects (very
>few) are all Open Source.
>Download is enabled on SoundCloud for the track, if you want FLAC, and
>you can also download it here:
>If you are interested in the synthesizer patches, let me know and I'll
>upload them somewhere (they are not compatible with any other Yamaha FM
>synth, though).
>Share & Enjoy,

Just had a listen to this, and very much like it. Some very nice sounds in
there, with a real feeling of depth.

Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Jun 6 04:15:02 2020

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