[Nikhil Nair]
> I'm looking for Ecasound-compatible plugins (e.g. LADSPA or non-GUI LV2)
> that do various types of noise generation. I've found ones which generate
> white or pink noise, but I'd like something that goes beyond that: e.g. S&H
> (Sample & Hold) noise with variable parameters, or even other noise-like
> sound effects such as rattling sounds and the like.
> Could anyone give me any recommendations, or point me in the right
> direction? I'm very new to the Linux audio plugins world, so I'm probably
> missing an obvious approach re how to go about looking for such things.
if possible, you're probably better off using a MIDI-controlled sample
player running on a collection of one-shot recorded noise samples.
do you have a collection of such samples available, or perhaps just
one to demonstrate what you are looking for? after all, "noise" is a
rather broad phenomenon.
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Received on Wed Sep 9 04:15:01 2020
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