Re: [LAU] Noise generation plugin recommendations?

From: Atte Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 10 2020 - 14:15:58 EEST

I'm making all my music on a modular, but often bring in "noisy" samples
that I generated or processed on my linux laptop. Obviously offline
rendering of "noisy" samples is not the same as a dynamically controlled
plugin in ardour or the like, and what I look for is not as much a static
noise spectrum/waveform as musically useful but noisy samples. With that in
mind here's a few strategies I had success with:

1) Databending non musical files, by forcing sox to interpret them as
audio. Works great with binary files (/usr/bin is a goldmine) and requires
quite a bit of work afterwards to select the interesting portions of the
samples. The middle section for instance tends to be more or less white

2) Cecilia is always awesome.

3) is a great source, takes some curating to get
something useful though.

Hope that is helpful.

Den tir. 8. sep. 2020 kl. 10.58 skrev Tim Goetze <tim@email-addr-hidden>:

> [Nikhil Nair]
> > I'm looking for Ecasound-compatible plugins (e.g. LADSPA or non-GUI LV2)
> > that do various types of noise generation. I've found ones which
> generate
> > white or pink noise, but I'd like something that goes beyond that: e.g.
> S&H
> > (Sample & Hold) noise with variable parameters, or even other noise-like
> > sound effects such as rattling sounds and the like.
> >
> > Could anyone give me any recommendations, or point me in the right
> > direction? I'm very new to the Linux audio plugins world, so I'm
> probably
> > missing an obvious approach re how to go about looking for such things.
> if possible, you're probably better off using a MIDI-controlled sample
> player running on a collection of one-shot recorded noise samples.
> do you have a collection of such samples available, or perhaps just
> one to demonstrate what you are looking for? after all, "noise" is a
> rather broad phenomenon.
> tim
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