[LAU] Need MIDI keyboard for Zoom Class

From: Ivan K <ivan_521521@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 20 2020 - 06:52:35 EEST

I will be teaching a music course via Zoom
this semester and have a large number of
audio examples from web pages that I will
be playing from the FireFox browser.

In addition, I have a MIDI piano keyboard controller
and a MIDI input on my M-Audio 2496 soundcard,
and I would like to occasionally play at
this keyboard for the class with a piano timbre.

What are the easy options to set this up?  I need
to easily go back forth between playing audio
from Firefox (which I assume uses PulseAudio)
and the synthesizer that this MIDI keyboard
will be triggering.

Thank you, as always, for your replies.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 21 04:15:01 2020

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