Sep 20 2020, Ivan K has written:
> What are the easy options to set this up? I need
> to easily go back forth between playing audio
> from Firefox (which I assume uses PulseAudio)
> and the synthesizer that this MIDI keyboard
> will be triggering.
You can make JACK and PulseAudio play together, which opens the field
wide. This is from the ArchWiki, but the methods work for other
Distributions too:
As for software solutions: you could use Fluidsynth (with ALSA or JACK).
There are soundfonts around. They are not the best, but the should work
well enough for teaching.
Then there is LinuxSampler (again with ALSA or JACK). On their website
they have a list of free instruments, which includes at least one piano:
With something like a 1GB piano LinuxSampler will probably take a few seconds to start. I haven't come across any (free) soundfont as big as that, so fluidsynth wouldn't need as much startup time. After that both should take little CPU and moderate amounts of memory.
As a non-free alternative there is PianoTeq, which gets a lot of praise,
you can try it free. It comes as a standalone or LV2 plugin for Linux.
Best wishes,
> Thank you, as always, for your replies.
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